Sunday, July 28, 2013

What I wanted to do....

What I really wanted to do with this photo was to Photoshop out that tree on the right just a bit in the distance. I think the photo would be better that way...but alas, I have guests and can't get to my big computer where Photoshop lies.


Indrani said...

The tree kind of obstructs the view, but the tree itself is beautiful.

Gaelyn said...

I like it just the way it is.

Nadwrażliwiec said...

Typical Balkan landscape... I love it. Greetings from Poland.

Alexa said...

I don't know . . . There's something to be said for asymmetrical too. Lovely scene either way --

Lowell said...

This looks just fine. And if that tree is one of your big problems, I'd say you're doing pretty well! :)

TheChieftess said...

I can't say that I've been particularly successful photo shopping things's a skill I haven't mastered!!! And personally...I generally prefer asymmetrical!!!

canngil said...

Still a nice photo!

Luis Gomez said...

I kind of like as is.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.