Wednesday, August 28, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY "G" is for "Garfield"

 I'm not sure if Garfield has ever visited the Belgrade zoo, but someone thought he deserved his own mosaic on the zoo's outside wall, along with some of the other animals pictured below.
See more G's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Reader Wil said...

Nice Bibi!
Wil, ABCW Team.

Alexa said...

I'd like to see someone put Garfield in a zoo (except as one of the keepers maybe). Cute.

photowannabe said...

The other mosaic pieces are so true to the animal.
It's interesting that a bit of humor was added to the mix.

Lowell said...

I'm not sure Garfield would have anything to do with a zoo, but maybe he'd like a mosaic of himself!

Roger Owen Green said...

a GREAT GRUMPY Garfield!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Suzanne said...

All of the mosaics are really fascinating and beautiful. Garfield is cute!

Daryl said...

oh that is fun ... he's looking for his lasagne

TheChieftess said...

Ah!!! I'm getting that Serbians have a good sense of humor!!!

Ann said...

He seems a little out of place but cute nonetheless.

Wanda said...

Never underestimate the power of a Cartoon!!!

Gaelyn said...

Love Garfield. Very impressive mosaics.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.