Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Pick one!

It's been hot here.  My little grandson was attracted by these water toys, sold by a lady on a bench in Tasmajdan Park.  We bought him the dark-green, fat frog.  Which one would you take?


Indrani said...

The fish with glasses looks cute.

Olivier said...

retour en enfance, c'est vrai que le poisson a lunette est vraiment sympa

Thérèse said...

La grenouille: elle possède déjà des lunettes au naturel :-)

Gaelyn said...

I like the lighter green frog.

Lowell said...

I had to go back to my childhood to try to figure out which one I would take. When I got back there, though, I forgot what I was doing. So, I never did choose! Darn!

Alexa said...

Cute! My first thought was the fish w/sunglasses, but then I saw the dog-paddling pups.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.