Friday, August 9, 2013

SKYWATCH--Serbian countryside: Šumadija

Šumadija is a region in central Serbia.  This area used to be covered in thick forest,

This is another cell phone shot....  Do you know that yesterday here it was 43 degrees Celsius?  That's about  109 degrees....darn hot.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Juliette said...

Phew!!! That is HOT! Hope you can take refuge in lots of shady spots.

Alexa said...

Well, that explains yesterday's post. :~}
Be careful and try to keep cool if you can!

TheChieftess said...

Doesn't look that hot!!! Hope you cool off soon!!!

Lowell said...

Beautiful photo...what happened to the forest? War?

Methinks you ought to take a trip to Florida so you could cool off! 109 is pretty warm no matter where you are! Hope your a/c is working well!

Jim said...

Good rural scenery.

Indrani said...

That is really hot!
The pic looks as if some breeze is on. Great shot!

Thérèse said...

Hope it will be cooler by the en of the month, we are coming!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.