Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Pink Lady II

You might remember this lady that I showed you about a year ago. She's still around, and still dressing in pinks and reds.  She seems to be a bit overcome with the intense heat we've been having.


Thérèse said...


Hilda said...

She seems to have lost a lot of weight since last year's photo. I hope she's okay.

Lowell said...

Whatever she's wearing, she makes for a great photographic subject!

Maybe's she's praying for rain?

Luis Gomez said...

Great capture. Sort of a sad image in summer colors.

Alexa said...

I was going to say what Hilda said. Maybe she should dress in "cooler" colors.

TheChieftess said...

So sad...I hope she's able to cool off...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.