Sunday, September 1, 2013


Some days the Fates smile upon me.  Upon learning that the September theme for City Daily Photo blogs is pink, I set out in search  It's not the best time of year to look for this color, but lo and behold, whom did I find on Belgrade's Bohemian quarter street, Skadarlija, but a Belgrade legend, Zika Obretkovic. I tried sneaking a shot of him, but he saw me, and said, "Take a REAL photo, please!" and posed with Bibi, who was sporting her pink collar.  Zika has been around 'forever', walking around Belgrade's center, making people happy, and playing his flute, like he does on the link below.

And today he was wearing pink!

See other Pinks on CITY DAILY PHOTO.


Luis Gomez said...

This is great!

Thérèse said...

Une legende!
Bravo. Ma moitie va etre content de le voir en photo.

Jim said...

Very PINK indeed

Jo said...

What a great character, I did indeed notice the matching pink collar.

TheChieftess said...

Fortuitous indeed!!! But where's Bibi???

Kate said...

A delightful man whom you should feature more often!

Alexa said...

What a wonderful character. You were clearly in the right place at the right time—and you really got the shot!

Jack said...

Outstanding! You were intended to find a great pink photo.

Pat said...

Chieftess, she's right there on the right of the photo!

Kris said...

even the dog has a pink pendant!
Great capture and character :)
Please do tell him, we like his outfit!

Gaelyn said...

Street performers are wonderful and bring a smile. Especially in pink.

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Excellent choice for this theme day.Have a good week!

Lynette said...

Perfectly wonderful story to go with your theme day photos!

Joan Elizabeth said...

What a wonderful coincidence enabling you to feature a local identity.

Tania said...

So nice! Wonderful post with pink

Gunn said...

What a great and interesting posting!:)

Mo said...

A very colourful pink

RedPat said...

A perfect pink pic!

Kay said...

My goodness! The fates were indeed smiling on you and he certainly wouldn't be hard to miss, would he? Great shots!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee... Louis should have posted the Walmartian for the upcoming Friday Funnies on the blog for Theme Day! You'll see why Friday! :-)

Suzanne said...

He looks like some character and national icon.

justenoelle said...

Love it! Great Theme Day post. said...

so cute - especially Bibi!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.