Thursday, August 1, 2013

THEME DAY--Street lamps

Today's theme is street lamps.  I'm stretching this a bit, since these lights are not really exactly on the street, but close!  Anyway, they could be street lamps. I digress.

They're in front of the Nikola Tesla Museum here in Belgrade.  The poster reads that this year marks the 70 years of Nikola Tesla's death. I've shown you him several times before.  Each time I run across him, I wonder why I never, ever learned about him in grade school in the U.S.  If you'd like to know what Nikola Tesla invented that has been attributed to others, check out this site.

See all participants in Theme Day  by clicking here.


Olivier said...

j'avoue qu'avant ton blog, je ne connaissais pas Mr Nikola Tesla

Thérèse said...

The same here about Tesla!
A great poster well framed.

Luis Gomez said...

Very nice Bibi.

Lowell said...

Lovely lamps! And while I don't know a lot about Tesla, I'm impressed by his many inventions. (BTW, you'll find his name comes up often in crossword puzzles.) :)

Alexa said...

Love your street lamps—but after reading the link, now I'm po'd on Mr. Tesla's behalf. He was definitely done wrong!

Kate said...

An inventor "with a poetic touch" is a lovely description of the man; thanks for the link.

Great lamps for the theme day.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.