Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's a dog's life....

A dog's life it is.  They can't read, or maybe they can and just don't care.


Thérèse said...

Excellent! Can't be a better life than this. A penny for their thoughts :-)

Olivier said...

en effet une belle vie de chien ;)) de toute facon ils savent pas lire

Daryl said...

love this ... its just the best capture!

Alexa said...

I'd love to think that they understood the sign perfectly well and chose to ignore it. :~}

Gaelyn said...


TheChieftess said...

Fido...Hey Max!!! Someone's coming with a camera...lie down and pretend you're asleep so we don't get in trouble!!!


 Maybe it's the state of the world that affects me now, particularly in my home country. Everything seems dark and ominous. Clearer skie...