Tuesday, October 1, 2013

THEME DAY--details

Today is City Daily Photo's Theme Day.  Details it is!  These are raindrops on a round window in my apartment.  The rest of my windows sported many more....rain all day, cold, too.

See other details right here.

Daily Haiku

Like a witch's tears
Tiny drops of cold chill me
To my very core


Louis la Vache said...

Ol' «Louis» will try to e-mail you a hot cup of Holy Cow Blend Coffee to take the chill off!

Fine photo, by the way!

Olivier said...

superbe idee et tres belle photo

Thérèse said...

J'espère que cela va se réchauffer un peu. Je t'envoie du soleil, il chauffe encore bien fort par ici.

Lowell said...

Well-done. The raindrops certainly do stand out. Another great haiku, too!

Daryl said...

it arrived!!!!!!!!!!!! and this is a perfect 'entry'

Alexa said...

Très réussi, Bibi! And I love this haiku too.

TheChieftess said...

Love raindrops on windows!!!


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