Saturday, September 28, 2013

WEEKEND REFLECTION--"Row, row, row your boat..."

"Row, row, row your boat...." goes the old round we'd sing as kids.  These rowers on a sign in downtown Belgrade are going to have to paddle very hard to get to water anywhere close.

See other reflections on James'  WEEKEND REFLECTION.

Daily Haiku
Is life but a dream
Are we dreaming or awake
Some day we will know...

4 comments: said...

Ingenious idea Bibi.

Lowell said...

Like your Haiku poems.

Great reflection. Had me confused for awhile. Not that that's hard to do!

I'm posting occasionally at L & L Photography:

Alexa said...

Excellent reflection!

'Tsuki said...

That's just excellent ! The composition is really stunning : it looks almost like a photomontage... Completly unreal, very efficient, very intriguing... Great participation, Bibi.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.