Wednesday, October 9, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY "M" is for "Moving on"

Meet Mr. Djordje Stefanovic, whose little bookbinder's shop appears on the left of the bottom photo.  The shop has been in his family for over sixty years, but now, sadly, there's no one in his family who's interested in carrying on the trade.  I've come to him several times to have books rebound, the last of which was my son's favorite (and now little Mila's; I've ordered one for my grandson, Luka), Dr. Seuss's Old Hat, New Hat, which was showing the signs of much love from my son.

Djordje's going to retire after the first of the year....  I wish him well, and now don't know where I'll go....

See other M's on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
   We turn life's pages
Like those in the books we love
Until we reach the end


photowannabe said...

Wonderful haiku.
Its so sad when tradition and family history get broken.
It's a wonderful photo of this shop owner.

Gaelyn said...

Too bad to loose a unique skill like this. Unfortunately, kindles don't need rebinding.

Leslie: said...

Seems like the book business is turning into the kindle or kobo business. I still buy old-fashioned books, but think I might get a computerized thingy just for travelling as it wouldn't be so heavy to carry around. I do hope the bookbinder will enjoy his retirement.

abcw team

Anonymous said...

Bookbinding is falling into the category of an art form not just a service these days.
I learned to repair and sleeve library books at my daughter's elementary school library in the 1980s as a volunteer parent. We did a lot to save money so it could be spent wisely .
I hope you can find a new binder or perhaps take up the craft as a hobby yourself!

Roger Owen Green said...

Happy for him, but sad for you and other local bibliophiles.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jackie McGuinness said...

Very sad to see these family business end!

TheChieftess said...

Darn!!! Don't you just hate when that happens?!!!
The best Greek restaurant in Southern California closed about 4 years ago because the owners kids didn't want to take on the family was my all time favorite restaurant!!! Haven't found a replacement...not even close! Good luck finding a new book binder...that's going to be a tough one to replace...

Olivier said...

il est dommage que ces commerces disparaissent ;(

Indrani said...

A similar book shop shut down here some time back. I was so sad to see it go. :(

Luis Gomez said...

Sad news. Beautiful post. I wish him well.

Ann said...

I still love the feel of a book in my hand. I do use a kindle at times but I really don't enjoy it.

Alexa said...

That makes me sad, but I hope he enjoys his retirement. (I have tons of books, but more and more wind up reading on my phone!)

Daryl said...

its sad to hear ... i wonder if ebooks havent hastened the end of his specialty

Reader Wil said...

It's a pity that many bookshops and bookbinder shops lose clients, due to Kindle and e-readers. Still I love bookshops and own a lot of books, most English or Dutch.
Have a great week!
Wil, ABCW Team.

Lowell said...

I can't imagine anyone could make a living binding books. Not in the U.S. for sure...we just throw the old ones away and buy new!

Love your haiku. You have a real talent. Have you thought about creating a book of your poems and photos?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.