Monday, October 7, 2013

After so many years....

This past weekend I had the honor and great pleasure of the company of a former student of mine.....from 30 years ago!!  Arzu, from Turkey, was in grade seven at the International School of Belgrade when I taught English as a Second Language. She knew not one single word, but made excellent progress throughout the school year. Sadly, she left Belgrade, along with her brother Cem, at the end of that year.  We wrote for a while, then as often happens, especially in the pre-Internet/email era, we lost contact.  Thanks to Facebook, I found her again a short while ago. I was so happy when she wrote to say she was coming to Belgrade, "just to see me".  And we had a great time.  We were teacher-student, now we are friend-friend.

 Arzu, I know you're reading this, and I will, will get to Istanbul in the not-so-far-off future, and that's a promise.

Daily Haiku

Thirty years gone by
Time stands still for no one
We will meet again


Tamera said...

Aw, it's cool you got to reconnect!

Leif Hagen said...

Very wonderful to see an old friend! But good-byes are always so hard!
Remember me....
Regards from EAGAN daily photo said... sweet! & your haiku is perfect.

Gaelyn said...

Very cool how social media can reunite.

Olivier said...

un retour dans le passé tres sympathique

Lowell said...

How nice is that? We've run into former students on occasion, but I always wonder how they are getting along. So great you two were able to become reacquainted. Off you go to Turkey!

Virginia said...

I'm friends on FB with some former students as well. I think it's great!

Daryl said...

that is so wonderful

Alexa said...

The best thing about Facebook—when it results in this!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.