Monday, October 14, 2013

From across the street at 1000mm...

Across the busy street from Hotel Moskva, where I was having a birthday (hers, not mine) coffee with a friend, lies McDonald' of the (I believe) 5 or so here.  Using my little Nikon P510 at its maximum zoom of an equivalent of 1000 I took this photo. I kind of like how it turned out.  Not bad for 'in the dark'.

Daily Haiku
Lurking across the street
Sitting with camera poised
Clicking unnoticed


Anonymous said...

There are actually 13 restaurants in Belgrade with 2 more in Novi Sad, and one in Subotica, Nis, Velika Plana and Kragujevac.

Gaelyn said...

I like it. That's a great little camera.

Luis Gomez said...

Really nice shot Pat.

Daryl said...

i love this shot .. silhouettes are superb

Alexa said...

You actually managed to make McDonald's look inviting!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.