Saturday, October 12, 2013


Take-out coffee and sodas I've heard of, but not take-out wine.  This shop, which has an excellent assortment of wines, various hams, cheeses, and sausages, also offers take-out glasses of wine. It's served  in a paper cup....albeit with a stem!  Didn't have any, but Alexandar, the young man who works there, was all too happy to oblige me with a photo.

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.

Daily Haiku

Have you ever heard
There's nothing new under the sun?
Try some take-out wine!  


'Tsuki said...

Such a cute waiter ! A perfect reflection for a gentleman... ^^

TheChieftess said...

Such a civilized idea!!!

(cute waiter with that big grin!!!!)

Gaelyn said...

Boy that would never fly here. He is a cutie.

Viera said...

very lovely shot... reflection is well as waiter...

Thérèse said...

Something new is always fun to try but...

Indrani said...

A face from Serbia! Great shot!

Lowell said...

Nice to have him pose for you like that. No take-out wine in this country...unless it's in a bottle or a bag!

Alexa said...

I'd buy a glass of wine from him any day (though not here, where it's strictly verboten).

Daryl said...

clever .. are you permitted to drink alcohol on the streets? cant do that here ...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.