Wednesday, December 4, 2013

ABC WEDNESDAY "U" is for "undercover"

That's the only U I could think of....sorry; still overwhelmed with mother-related issues.

See other U's on Mrs. Nesbitt's  ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

Belle compo ce masque dans une fenetre

Leslie: said...

This is perfect! Sorry to hear of mother difficulties.

abcw team

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

That's such a cool mask to wear when going undercover. Happy ABC Wednesday! #21

Roger Owen Green said...

very popular in these parts for protest.
ROG, ABCW said...

But this is very interesting! & I wish you good luck with everything Bibi.

Thérèse said...

Une belle composition.

Luis Gomez said...


Alexa said...

Works for me! Just take care—of your mom AND yourself.


 I pass this antique shop quite often and have even sold a few things to them. To tell the truth, it isn't completely an antique shop an...