Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And they're off!!


And no, they're not late.  Santa Claus doesn't come here on  Christmas, but rather for New Year's.  (And anyway, even if he did, Serbs celebrate according to the Serbian Orthodox Calendar, which makes it on January 7th.)

These Santas sprinted down Belgrade's main downtown street last Sunday.

I've posted other photos on Flickr, which you can see if you click here.


Daily Haiku
We like to believe
Tomorrow will be better
It's what we make it


Olivier said...

le pere noel est en forme (ca change de l'iconographie traditionnelle du pere noel traditionnel avec son gros ventre ;o)) ) pour aller feter la nouvelle année ;)


Alexa said...

Those are the fittest Santas I've ever seen! (And it's a great shot, btw.)

dianasfaria.com said...

I LOVE this! & it is definitely by far the healthier alternative to the Santa pub crawl that is celebrated in NYC before Christmas too.
Great shot Bibi.
I would also like to say I hope your 2014 is filled with all good things dear Bibi.

Lowell said...

That's a really funny scene. I wonder what goes through the mind of some little tyke who believes in the traditional Santa Claus?

Luis Gomez said...

Love this. Have a great New Year!

Katie (Nature ID) said...

This is great! Those suits look light and breezy. I wonder where they get the red running outfits.

Louis la Vache said...

What great fun!

Bob Crowe said...

They are likely to get hear stroke running in those outfits but they will probably beat the reindeer.

Pat said...

Hi, Katie! The first 1,000 people to enter get a free Santa suit!

TheChieftess said...

Those are some pretty nice looking Santas!!!

Daryl said...

🎉🎉Happy New Year🎉🎉

Indrani said...

That is a great picture and I wasn't aware of Jan 7th.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.