Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The last leaf....

This last leaf, still even green, is still hanging on.  I took it the other day, but I am sure recent winds have broken its hold on this branch.

Symbolic, since although of course I did not plan this shot to express that my mother, 89 1/2, passed away yesterday morning.

Daily Haiku
Like dry leaves scattered
We end up far from our home,
Return to the earth



Olivier said...

bien vu la photo ;)

Luis Gomez said...


Thérèse said...

Message suit.

Anonymous said...

So sorry ! :o(

Gaelyn said...

I reach out to you. So sorry. Her memory will not fall like the last leaf.

Olivier said...

Desole, je n'avais pas bien traduit ton texte. Je suis triste pour toi et ta famille. Toute mes pensées vont vers toi

Indrani said...

It is like you have captured the light! Great shot!

Lowell said...

A powerful symbol, indeed, and so fitting, along with your haiku! My deepest condolences on your mother's passing. It is so hard to lose a parent. I still think of mine every day and it's been years. But, you have been through a lot more than I have. Our thoughts are with you as you go through the grieving process.

And thank you for your comments! So nice to hear from you. I'll be posting sporadically for a while.

Bergson said...

so sorry

Tilia said...

Sincere sympathy

Alexa said...

SO sorry to hear it. I'm thinking of you --

Juliette said...

My heartfelt sympathy.


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...