Wednesday, January 15, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY-- "A" is for "app"

I've seen these whatever-you-call-them all over town.  Are they called apps? I really don't know what an app is...  I imagine you're supposed to scan this with your phone and it will tell you then where you are.

I've googled all kinds of combinations to see if this comes up, but nothing does.

I don't have a fancy phone, so can't scan it...

Anyone know?

NOTE:  If you look at the comments, you'll see that Dejan from Holland wrote that he scanned the app and it came up as an advertisement for a theater performance here downtown. I actually also found that there is a play called Lost in Serbia, but didn't make the connection. Duh.... and I have an ancient phone.  Thank you, Dejan!  :)


Daily Haiku
A puzzle unsolved
Scratches and scratches our brain
'til we see the light


Carver said...

I don't know what that is but I think of apps as being a program on your phone and there are apps for a variety of tasks. Carver, ABC Wed. Team

Gaelyn said...

There's an app for that. I'd rather have a map.

xdexx said...

It is promotion for a theatre project.

Just scanned the barcode and this was displayed:

Premijera predstave SLUČAJEVI/LOST IN SERBIA autorski projekat Kokana Mladenovića premijera 27.12.2013. u 20h Omladinsko pozorište DADOV

Greetings from Holland!

photowannabe said...

What a perfect choice for the letter A.
It's a great promotion.

Leslie: said...

I'm an ignorant when it comes to these smart phones - I've heard of apps, but have no idea how they work.

abcw team

Roger Owen Green said...

It's a QR code, but I've never used it.
ROG, ABC Wednesday

Olivier said...

code tres a la mode (mais comme toi, j'ai un telephone assez antique) , et bonne pub

Kim said...

The square acts like a bar code and one can read it with a smart phone app, like SPARQ Me. I scanned this one and it's in Serbian :-). Glad to see it was a theater ad for a play of the same name.

Lisa said...

Roger is correct. It's a QR code...short for Quick Response code. It's a marketing tactic to get people to the company or organizations website. There's an app for that!!
Visiting from ABC Wednesday

Lowell said...

Yes, you can download an app that scans these codes for your iPhone or other such device.

Alexa said...

So far I've managed to avoid using my iPhone to scan any QRs. And "there's an app for that" because there's an app for everything!

Tash said...

Clever ad and love the detective work by bloggers.

William Kendall said...

My mobile can read these things, but I've never used it for that, just for the usual.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.