Monday, February 10, 2014

It rained last night....

But for me, that's better than snow.

Daily Haiku
Dark skies and gray clouds
Umbrellas of all colors
Bouncing through the streets


Olivier said...

beau Haiku qui accompagne ce mouvement

Lowell said...

I can see these two have been hustling along in the rain. Rain is always better than snow; unless of course it turns to sheer ice which it did quite often when we lived in Dallas.

William Kendall said...

I'm of the opposite persuasion: I love the snow, but don't care for rain. Nice shot!

TheChieftess said...

When I first moved to Mammoth Lakes...I loved the can walk in it without an's not particularly was quiet and peaceful. Then it lasted, and lasted, and the tune of about 7 months of snow on the ground. Got old real fast!!! I'm a southern California girl...where it hardly rains...
I'm missing that incredible SoCal weather...
by the way...did I mention? It's snowing out!!!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.