Friday, February 28, 2014

SKYWATCH--the last grays of winter?

I liked the layering in this photo. I hope the grays of winter will soon be behind us.

Daily Haiku
We see only gray
Be it fog, mist, smog, pollution
Gray is so much more

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Lowell said...

You have certainly captured the essence of the winter season here...what I remember most of winter in Minnesota was the pervasive gray - day after day after day! But spring will come. It always does.

William Kendall said...

The layering effect of the terrain works nicely with this shot.

Spring will come as it must.

Dorothee said...

beautiful mood!

Thérèse said...

The beauty of all which is between white and black.

Luis Gomez said...

What a beautiful image. And yes hopefully winter is ending.

Indrani said...

Yes there is a sense of depth in this picture.
Great capture. said...

Given how I am so tired of Winter, it is pretty amazing to me that you managed to make the grey beautiful.
Nice job Bibi.
; )

Alexa said...

I love the photo, but am sure you're more than ready for some spring color!

Janice said...

Great eye to catch this enchanting photo.


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