Friday, February 21, 2014

SKYWATCH--Setting up

Yesterday I showed you one of the fellows helping out with this film set-up, and today you have what I was looking at.  The building is Serbia's Academy of Science and Art that I'd shown you part of a year or so ago.

Daily Haiku
Reaching to the sky
Is easier than you think
When you've got a crane  

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Lowell said...

I love to watch movie-making. It's amazing how much work goes into it and I also think, sometimes, a little bit of wasted effort.

I hope that when you took this shot you didn't crane your neck so far as to hurt it! Heh, heh!

William Kendall said...

The attention to detail is astonishing on that building. It's beautiful.

We occasionally get film crews here. Last summer I passed across the street from a scene being done. The actor in question appears on a very mediocre sitcom long past its prime.

Mike said...

Very cool. I've been dying to get to Belgrade.

Thérèse said...

Il n'est pas donne a tout le monde de pouvoir s'offrir une grue!
Joli coup d;oeil ici.

s.c said...

Looks like a very nice building with a kind of jugenstil ornaments. Perhaps in earlier days a palace or expensive apartment building. I also like the glas shed in the upper left corner. Thanks for showing.

Luis Gomez said...

Love this shot! Nice building Pat.

Lowell said...

One of my favorite words is "plethora." Thus, I'd say we'd need a plethora of trestles! :)

Alexa said...

What a gorgeous building this is. (I once watched out my bedroom window as they filmed a scene with Harrison Ford; it took hours. I timed it when I saw the movie: 11 seconds!)


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...