Saturday, February 8, 2014


Title says it all. Playing around with two glasses.

See other reflections on James' Weekend Reflections.

Daily Haiku
Winter days seem long
Photographic laziness
Yields this kind of shot  


Nefertiti said...

Joli rendu j aime bcp :o)

Viera said...

Really amazing composition... well done...

Lowell said...

Funny post. I was gonna say you need to get a life! Heh, heh. It's rainy and dreary here for the past couple of days. Not like Florida. :(

'Tsuki said...

A very unique composition, with those two empty glasses...

Kate said...

The top glass looks a little tipsy!

William Kendall said...

I like that!

For your next trick, start juggling the glasses...

Alexa said...

I would say rather "photographic creativity." Anyway, I like it!

James said...

I like it! Great composition and reflected colors!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.