Monday, March 31, 2014

The Russian florist

Met this charming Russian lady in Kalemegdan Park the other day. I saw her from a distance, photographing these blossoms with her DSLR.  At one point, she put it away and got out her tablet and moved very close to take more photos. I went up to her and asked if she was pleased with the tablet's resolution (most people seem to be).  She just looked at me for a moment, and I thought I'd said something wrong. Then she said, "Ya russkaya," whereupon I replied "Ya amerikanerin", and we both laughed and proceeded to have a bilingual conversation as we walked along. There are enough similarities between Serbian and Russian, so this wasn't hard.  She told me she was visiting her daughter in town, and that she herself was a florist in her town (forgot where....)  And I did understand that she WAS happy with the tablet's resolution!

Daily Haiku
Walking and laughing
Each in so-called "foreign tongue"
Let us share so much


Olivier said...

beau portait, plein de joie

Nemam ime said...

I just love those spontaneous conversations. :)

Lowell said...

A fine portrait of this beautiful lady! It's nice that you were able to converse together. I've learned through DNA testing that I have some Russian ancestors. Surprised the heck out of me. I don't have to worry about conversing, though, as sometimes I have trouble conversing with myself!

William Kendall said...

Lovely portrait, Bibi!

Luis Gomez said...

What a great portrait!

Alexa said...

I bet she would be pleased with your portrait of her. (I've yet to be pleased with a photo taken with the iPad. Maybe I should try again? Or maybe the camera has gotten better with subsequent models.)

TheChieftess said...

You have spring!!! Grass and tree blossoms!!! We have snow falling...

Thérèse said...

Elle a bien su partager ici sa joie de vivre!
Un bel echange.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.