Saturday, March 29, 2014

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS--looking into and back from a window

I almost deleted this photo in camera, which is something I know I shouldn't do, and I am glad I didn't.  It was taken with the 1000mm zoom on my little Nikon P510 in late evening from across the street. I was standing in front of  Hotel Moskva and you can see the reflection of the hotel behind me in the window I photographed.  Looks like lights (from a neon sign nearby) were just flowing from the window.

Here's to accidentally-good photos!

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTION.

Daily Haiku
 Cascading neon
Flows as from a waterfall
Through my camera's eye


William Kendall said...

It really does shimmer!

Linda said...

Neat picture! I like the haiku also.

Indrani said...

:) Good you didn't delete.
Looks magical.

'Tsuki said...

Excellent composition : very graphical... Awesome effect, well done.

Luis Gomez said...

A wonderful one!

Lowell said...

I'm glad you explained me it looks like modern art which I often have a hard time "getting." :)

TheChieftess said...

Very artsy!!!

Alexa said...

You should never delete a photo before you see it on the computer screen—here's the proof. Very cool shot.

Viera said...

Wonderful light effect...


 Looking west from my window. Sometimes sunsets are just blah, but thisone was a stunner. See other skies on SKYWATCH.