Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--"N" is for "No more"

A sad sight for me. Plato bookstore has been here just about as long as I have.  It's been closed down now, for accumulated debts, and you can read about it if you click right here. Word is that it will be made into a theater; let's see.  Don't you just love the pillar on the right?  I hope this facade remains.

See other N's on ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
Soon to be no more
  I find myself thinking of


Anonymous said...

Always sad to see a bookstore go! It must be big inside for it to be changed in a theatre! Great N - expression:)

William Kendall said...

The loss of a book store is definitely a sad experience. I do like that facade.

ellen b. said...

Love books and love that pillar!

Roger Owen Green said...

too bad!

Luis Gomez said...

Always sad Pat. It is a great facade.

Alexa said...

Here it would have been forced out of business by a Barnes and Noble store. Whatever happens, I do hope they keep the clever façade and pillars. (Love the haiku too.)

TheChieftess said...

It is always sad to see a business close after having endured for many years...and especially to see another book store go under. I'm not convinced that the Kindle type book is the reason, but I do believe that internet shopping has impacted the local businesses dramatically. I am guilty of turning to the computer...especially when looking for photography is just so much more cost effective...I paid almost double for some at our local book store. But I still like to browse the books in the local bookstore for just the right one for my mood...

Joy said...

Another bookshop hits the dust, sad. Love that façade.
Joy - ABC Team

Gaelyn said...

A wonderful facade. Sure hope it stays in place. Seems like a piece a history.

WieczneBG said...

Oh noooo. I haven't been there for ages but it was always my favourite place in BG. Even outside on Plato square somehow you felt these books around. Bought some good books there.......


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.