Wednesday, April 16, 2014

ABC WEDNESDAY--"N" is for "No more"

A sad sight for me. Plato bookstore has been here just about as long as I have.  It's been closed down now, for accumulated debts, and you can read about it if you click right here. Word is that it will be made into a theater; let's see.  Don't you just love the pillar on the right?  I hope this facade remains.

See other N's on ABC WEDNESDAY.

Daily Haiku
Soon to be no more
  I find myself thinking of


Anonymous said...

Always sad to see a bookstore go! It must be big inside for it to be changed in a theatre! Great N - expression:)

William Kendall said...

The loss of a book store is definitely a sad experience. I do like that facade.

ellen b. said...

Love books and love that pillar!

Roger Owen Green said...

too bad!

Luis Gomez said...

Always sad Pat. It is a great facade.

Alexa said...

Here it would have been forced out of business by a Barnes and Noble store. Whatever happens, I do hope they keep the clever façade and pillars. (Love the haiku too.)

TheChieftess said...

It is always sad to see a business close after having endured for many years...and especially to see another book store go under. I'm not convinced that the Kindle type book is the reason, but I do believe that internet shopping has impacted the local businesses dramatically. I am guilty of turning to the computer...especially when looking for photography is just so much more cost effective...I paid almost double for some at our local book store. But I still like to browse the books in the local bookstore for just the right one for my mood...

Joy said...

Another bookshop hits the dust, sad. Love that façade.
Joy - ABC Team

Gaelyn said...

A wonderful facade. Sure hope it stays in place. Seems like a piece a history.

WieczneBG said...

Oh noooo. I haven't been there for ages but it was always my favourite place in BG. Even outside on Plato square somehow you felt these books around. Bought some good books there.......


 I pass this antique shop quite often and have even sold a few things to them. To tell the truth, it isn't completely an antique shop an...