Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Army officers

 From a distance I thought these officers were discussing something about their work, but when I enlarged the photo, I see someone is sharing photos of their kids.

Daily Haiku
Is an admirable trait
Love your children too



Luis Gomez said...

Very nice shot Pat.

John M said...

I like their expressions as they look at the photos.

William Kendall said...

Good shot. I like the style of uniform.

Bob Crowe said...

A better use of soldier's time than battle plans.

Thérèse said...

Et voila le resultat quand on prend de bonnes photos... qui l'aurait cru?

Indrani said...

They look happy and content.
Nice pic.

Alexa said...

What Bob Crowe said! Don't think I've ever seen a soldier wearing eyeliner and blush—but they are all very attractive. :~}


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