Friday, April 11, 2014

SKYWATCH--Black and white and an airplane

Not much to say....skies have been blue, but as I type this, I hear that on Friday it will rain.

See other skies on SKYWATCH.

Daily Haiku
Like a fingernail
Across a dusty surface
Airplane streaks the sky  


Luis Gomez said...

Very nice Pat!

maryaustria said...

Great shot!

carol l mckenna said...

Composition, lines, and light are divine ~ Great shot for SWF and delightful haiku ~ ^_^

Happy Weekend, artmusedog and carol, xoxo
(A Creative Harbor)

Gemma Wiseman said...

The white trail casts a strong etching in the ksy and love those bold silhouette shapes.

Unknown said...

Me gusta este juego de luces y siluetas


William Kendall said...

Gorgeous black and white!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I like this photo. Almost like a spear or light ray is being cast from the tower!

Mike said...

Wow. Well put together! Great photo.

Lowell said...

This is a wonderful composition. My first thought was "shooting star" even though I knew it was a vapor trail. Nicely done! Again. :)

Alexa said...

I thought "shooting star in broad daylight" too. Love the silhouette (and the haiku). Bon weekend!

Unknown said...

Love the outline of buildings and a single line in the sky.

Indrani said...

It rained here and there is a slight dip in temperatures!
Great pic this!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.