Monday, April 7, 2014

World Health Day

I just found out the other day that today is WORLD HEALTH DAY, which gives me a good opportunity to use this photo I took last week.  She seems in good shape, though I think she's not going to do too well in the pool with those boots and skis.  The boys are in need of some exercise, but all they do is stand there, day after day, season after season.  Snacking on fruit though, so that's a plus.

Daily Haiku
Get out of the house
And give blogging a rest
Or so I should do 


Lowell said...

I wonder where she would ski dressed like that? And I wonder where she would swim attached to skis. It's all very perplexing. I'm not even going to comment on those two lazy clowns on either side. The give the lie to the "Ski & Wellness" suggestion. :))

I didn't know it was World Health Day. How should I celebrate it? And don't say go to a gym and work out!

Olivier said...

voila un nouveau sport olympique ;))

Kate said...

You can do both; go for a walk, hike or drive with your camera. Then have a glass of wine as you blog and share your photos.

William Kendall said...

Boys, turn your eyes inward... to the woman on the skis! No, don't just keep staring where you're... oh, it's no use, they don't listen anyway.

Good shot!

Petrea Burchard said...

I happened to go on a hike today so I celebrated World Health Day by accident. Very funny post, Bibi.

Luis Gomez said...

Love this composition! ;)

TheChieftess said...

There's been many a bikini skiing down our slopes here when winter and summer have been the same!!!

Alexa said...

She'd sink right to the bottom with those boots! Had no idea that today is World Health Day (I won't tell my brother; he has the flu).

Gaelyn said...

Must be some unusually warm weather where she skis.

Indrani said...

Ha.. ha... :D Good story, good observations.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.