Monday, May 5, 2014

No idle hands

These hands belong to some ladies who are always selling their knitted and  crocheted wares along the pedestrian street downtown.  Busy, busy.

Daily Haiku
Knitting, crocheting
Like our grandmas used to do
Is now a lost art 


Luis Gomez said...

What a beautiful capture Pat.

Tamera said...

Seeing this just made me break out the knitting needles! Must finish the project I've started -- thanks for the inspiration Pat!

Kate said...

Busy hands make quick work!!

William Kendall said...

My mother and her sisters were often knitting, but one aunt in particular seemed to always have the supplies at hand whereever she went.

Bob Crowe said...

This is a beautiful detail. The modern sneakers are a contrast to the old skills.

Thérèse said...

C'est vrai et j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir a voir ces dames crocheter le long d'une des rues menant a Kalemegdan. Tout un art.

TheChieftess said...

Time, patience and attention to detail...

Alexa said...

Yes, this reminds me of my grandmas and great-aunts. Sometimes I'll see someone knitting or crocheting on the subway and it always makes me smile.

Gaelyn said...

Really like the angle on this shot.

Also reminds me of my mother, who could knit with her eyes closed.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.