Friday, May 2, 2014

SKYWATCH--the stork's nest

Here in Serbia storks usually make their nests in chimneys (it's good luck) or on the top of telephone poles.  This one chose a steeple on a church in the Banat region of Serbia.

See other skies and maybe a steeple and another stork on SKYWATCH.

Daily Haiku
Steel blue steeple top
Piercing the white clouds above
Perfect for stork's nest  


HansHB said...

Awesome sky, dramatic clouds makes the photo great!

Ileana said...

Beautiful cloudy sky!

carol l mckenna said...

Dramatic cloud cover and awesome blue sky for SWF ~

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Laura said...

Strikingly beautiful!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

What a wonder-filled sight!

Crystal Blue Sky

William Kendall said...

That's quite a commanding position!

Olivier said...

superbe photo, les nuages font bien ressortir le batiment

Olivier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thérèse said...

Though higher is not always better but in this case it's a blessed place.

Alexa said...

Beautiful! And this seems like even better luck than a chimney—at least for the stork.

maryaustria said...

Beautiful sky and I love the stork nest!

Linda said...

Really beautiful.


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