Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Victor through the chestnut blossoms

Am in the US and will be posting from here soon.  Sorry for my lack of visits to your blogs!  Hope to be back on schedule soon.


Luis Gomez said...

Gorgeous flowers.

William Kendall said...


TheChieftess said...

Cool blossom!!!

Olivier said...

Belle composition florale ;)

Lowell said...

I love all the spring blossoms. And we do get spring here in Ocala as opposed to Ft. Lauderdale, where one season just sort of merges into another.

Alexa said...

I think I would now know The Victor anywhere—and I love the way you framed him here.

brattcat said...

wish i was in the northwest. it would be grand to meet you. i miss your haiku.


 Various international versions of Monopoly have been around for quite a while, but I hadn't ever played any until yesterday. The game w...