Thursday, May 8, 2014

Degas updated

The girl on this mural on the wall of a dry cleaning shop doesn't look too hot, sweaty, or tired.  A far cry from Edgar Degas' Les Repasseuses (The ironers)

Daily Haiku
Hot, sweaty, tiring
Ironing was a real chore
Until steam irons 


Jack said...

The contrast in your photos today is hysterical. And, the women in Degas' painting don't have a strap fetchingly displaying their attractions, either. I guess work in a laundry is far better these days.

William Kendall said...

Their expressions are priceless!

Luis Gomez said...

These are both wonderful in different ways.

Bob Crowe said...

And she looks much more alert, too. Maybe some people really get off on ironing. Never met one but who knows?

Gaelyn said...

Are they selling sex or ironing? ;)

Alexa said...

Easy-to-use steam iron notwithstanding, I have never looked like this while ironing. :~}

TheChieftess said...

Well...I have to architecture and painting...I lean toward old and classic!!!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention Picasso's:


 Dug out my old  MINOX MINI 5.1 camera,  which always attracts a lot of comments. I have posted before photos taken with it, like  THIS ONE....