Friday, June 13, 2014

SKYWATCH---Ancient names in the Grand Canyon

More from the Grand Canyon....I ran out of adjectives to describe the beauty; wows developed into 'spectacular,' 'breathtaking,' 'unbelievable', 'mind-blowing', and so on.  None do justice to the Canyon and even this photo doesn't give you a feeling of the expanse.

In this photo from left to right, if I remember what Gaelyn the Geogypsy and my hostess told me, we see more or less in the center three 'buttes' and from the tiniest to the largest (right to left)  they are Zoraster, Brahma's Temple, and Deva Temple.

These fanciful names can be attributed to the geologist and poet Clarence Dutton.

Visit other skies on SKYWATCH.


William Kendall said...

Wow. Just wow....

Gorgeous capture!

Gaelyn said...

It is WOW! But the temple on the left is the Deva, with Angels Gate to the back. Close.

Pat said...

Ooops. How'd I do that? I will correct.

Indrani said...

Yes, one can run short of adjectives for these kind of scenes.
Great frame.

Thérèse said...

True there are no words to describe the beauty of the scenes.

Luis Gomez said...

So wonderful! Beautiful shot.

Alexa said...

Well done, Clarence (and you for this great shot)! Something so spectacular needs a name to match.

Anonymous said...

Some things require an eye's on experience. But your photo does an excellent job of capturing the beauty of The Canyon.


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