Saturday, June 21, 2014

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS--the window washers

Not a job I'd like to have....

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.


Gaelyn said...

I don't wash windows from standing on the ground. No thanks.

Thérèse said...

J'ai toujours aime voir ces acrobates en action. Ils ont toujours l'air de rien a gratter les fenetres dans tous les sens.

Viera said...

Lovely photo...

s.c said...

Like the angle of your shot. As occupation of cleaning the windows I should take an other profession. Thanks for showing us.

Alexa said...

Yikes! I've never seen window washers just hanging there like that (but mostly the ones I see are 20- or 30-something flights up). Actually, it looks kind of fun—except for the window-washing part. :~}

Luis Gomez said...

This one is very nice. Love the light.

TheChieftess said...

I wouldn't want that job either!!! I like that you included the up and down arrows...!!!

Taken For Granted said...

Love the sign pointing both up and down. It draws the eye right to the building, window washer and reflections.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.