Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Keeping the old, adding the new

I like it when new buildings go in and have kept the facade of the older building so that it seems to fit the neighborhood.  This construction site is on Capitol Hill in Seattle.


Indrani said...

Yes, I too. :)

Olivier said...

bien vu le cadrage

William Kendall said...

There's a condo building here that's like that- it kept the front facade of a church intact after the church moved to larger quarters.

Alexa said...

You'd like the Hearst Bldg., where I used to work—a modern glass-and-steel structure rising out of the shell of their original (landmarked) mid-20th-century art deco building. I'd be curious to see what this looks like when it's finished.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.