Friday, July 4, 2014

SKYWATCH--the calm before....

I'll be watching Seattle's fireworks from my daughter's rooftop this evening, albeit looking in the other direction, not toward the Cascades seen here. 

This photo was taken just a few days ago. Ah, were that I had Photoshop here to get rid of that cable...

See other skies on SKYWATCH.


Spare Parts and Pics said...

Nice photo! I like that deep blue sky.

TheChieftess said...

Love the pic!!! the sky is beautiful!!! Have a fun 4th!!!

Tamera said...

It's frustrating not having Photoshop at your beck and call when you're on vacation! Ha ha! But no matter, it's a beautiful, peaceful shot even with the cable.

Anette said...

What a beautiful moon! I didn't see the cable at all first, until you mentioned it ;) Happy 4th of July :)

Thérèse said...

Happy Fourth of July!
Still time to send me the picture... :-)

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous capture of the moon! Well done! Have a happy weekend!

William Kendall said...

A beautiful moon shot, Bibi!

Alexa said...

Fabulous! (Even with the cable). Happy 4th!

Gaelyn said...

Nice shot. My crescent moon shot came out very wiggly. Was too lazy to get the tripod out. Enjoy the boomers.


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...