Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Some of you readers will undoubtedly not agree with me about the breed, but I don't like pit bulls and like their owners even less. I know that's a sweeping generalization, but I've witnessed an attack or two here in town (dog-to-dog) and very recently there have been two dog-child attacks.  I am sure there are good pit bulls and responsible owners, but here both are ultra-macho.  At least these two have them on a leash, which is not always the case.

Dog trainer (and owner trainer, too)Cesar Millan says that there are no bad pit bulls, only irresponsible owners,  but until we can train all their owners, I'll steer clear of pit bulls.

These two owners exchanged a few words before deciding who'd get the right of way....

End of rant.

See other Fs on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Gaelyn said...

I have to agree with it being a problem of owners. Maybe classes should be offered to them, and the dogs.

William Kendall said...

I do think it's the owners. The breed does have issues, but that can be corrected over time. Bulldogs had the same reputation hundreds of years ago; now they're of good disposition.

A good deal of tension in the pic, I think.

Hildred said...

A good title for your post!

Roger Owen Green said...

My niece loves her pit bull, but I'm as biased as you are!


Kate said...

I understand your fear. Although I have read about the importance of responsible ownership, and I love dogs, I too would hesitate about owning one. Perhaps irrational, but....

Thérèse said...

Your picture says it all and your post even more.

Alexa said...

You're preaching to the choir where I'm concerned. I have known some really sweet pit bulls, but in my neighborhood, these dogs' owners are almost all wanna-be "tough guys" and they and their dogs play the part a little too well.

fredamans said...

I used to own a Pitbull. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Seriously. She was afraid of flies. Stupid dog... LOL... I appreciate your opinion, but it's stereotyping. Not all Pitbulls are bad.


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