Saturday, September 13, 2014

WEEKEND REFLECTIONS-- for Turkish coffee....

Individually, these little pots are called 'džezva' and are used for making Turkish coffee.  Many are on sale in Kalemegdan Park and around Belgrade.  In some restaurants, Turkish coffee is served on a little tray with a small cup and an individual džezva , accompanied by a Turkish Delight.

 Remember, the Turks occupied Yugoslavia/Serbia for 500 years.  Long enough to drink lots of coffee.

See other reflections on James' WEEKEND REFLECTIONS.


William Kendall said...

They're quite ornate.

Thérèse said...

Still have a couple of them but don't use them anymore... too strong.

Thérèse said...

and too messy :-)

Indrani said...

Very unique!
Worth adding to collections.

Alain said...

Turc, Italien, Américain, ou même Français, chacun à sa façon bien à lui de faire le café.

'Tsuki said...

In Egypt there is exactly the same kind of pot to make coffee, they are decorated by the same technic, but with different patterns : less flower and more geometric... It amazing to see this kind of sharing of technics all around the world. Beautiful reflection indeed.

Alexa said...

These are quite beautiful. That coffee is probably what kept the Turks revved up for the long haul. (Maybe they're not there anymore because they switched to decaf.)

Gaelyn said...

How delightful to have one's coffee served in a work of art.

Molly said...

Love theses... no one uses a proper coffee pot anymore which is a shame



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