Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Belt, anyone?

While sitting at a cafe the other day, I observed this woman trying to sell belts to men seated at the same terrace.  I was wondering to myself if she ever got lucky, but as I watched, she sold two  belts to these gentlemen and to two more nearby.....  You know, I don't even own a single belt.


from Madrid said...

I see the spanish flag on a balcony, in the depths of the photo. Is it something of Spain?


Alexa said...

Women don't really need belts. Apparently men do.

William Kendall said...

There's real expression in her face.

I could always use another belt.

Luis Gomez said...

I have a couple of bets. Both of them I can turn into black or brown.

carol l mckenna said...

Great shot of 'life activities' at the cafe!

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Gaelyn said...

There's that eye again.

Although I own belts I think men wear them more often. And maybe they were attracted to her.

Olivier said...

Bravo, cela doit etre une vendeuse tres efficace

Pat said...

Hello, Tomas. I see the flag, but as far as I know there is nothing Spanish there. There is, however, the Instituto Cervantes, on Knez Mihailova Street, which is the next one over. They often have good photo exhibits!

from Madrid said...

Very friendly, Bibi, thank you very much for answering.


Alain said...

Les ceintures sont des accessoires bien utiles à notre époque.


 A very cold day for me, but not for this pair of swans on a log on the Danube.