Friday, October 31, 2014


Happy Halloween!  I am back in Belgrade, but this is a photo from Gorbio, France, believe it or not.  This jack o'lantern was perched on someone's windowsill a few days ago when I was visiting Jilly Bennett.


William Kendall said...

Quite an unusual pumpkin. Happy Hallowe'en!

Alexa said...

An American expat in Gorbio, peut-être? Love the green-and-orange gourd (squash?).

Thérèse said...

Nous ne sommes pas vraiment sortis a part dans le quartier ou je n'ai rien vu. Par contre hier soir nous avons eu quelques coups de sonnette! Etrange pour nous ici!

Bob Crowe said...

Green pumpkins. France has to be different.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.