Monday, October 13, 2014

No time to talk?

People have lots of time to talk, but probably few use these 'real' phones anymore...

I don't even have a fixed phone and can't remember when I last used a phone booth.  How about you?


William Kendall said...

They are few and far between these days here.

Gaelyn said...

Not something you see many places anymore.

Why does this keep popping up when I open your blog?

Thérèse said...

Still need this fixed line for better prices... Grrr...

Luis Gomez said...

Great photo. You can hardly find one in DC.

Anonymous said...

We still need fixed phones for internet wifi, but 'booths' are gradually disappearing. (A good search for a daily photo, thanks)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.