Sunday, November 9, 2014

Shadow Shot Sunday

An old man suns himself in Belgrade's unseasonably warm weather.

See other shadows on SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY.


William Kendall said...

A strong portrait, particularly in black and white.

Bob Crowe said...

And Steffie is showing snow in southern Sweden. The central US has a big storm sweeping down from Alaska. Run for the basement.

Alexa said...

What a wonderful picture!

Gaelyn said...

He looks so content.

Indrani said...

Sitting back and seeing life pass by! Great shot!

Thérèse said...

J'aime beaucoup le mouvement dans les plis du manteau jouant avec l'ombre et la lumiere.

Luis Gomez said...

Great one!

Ruth Kelly said...

Food for thought - I would enjoy the sun too.

fredamans said...

Lovely image. I wonder what he is thinking.

layman rob said...

Wonderful photo!


 GORGEOUS day here in Belgrade. Waiting for some friends on a psrk bench. Gardeners are tending the lavender that grows here and its scent f...