Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Waiting in the cold....

Snowed on Sunday and these two dogs were faithfully waiting in the cold by the outdoor market near me.  They don't seem as unhappy as I would be, should I be seated on the cold pavement!


William Kendall said...

They're such cuties! Perhaps they know they can expect treats when their human gets back.

Lowell said...

They look pretty sad to me. I'd be pretty sad too if I was left to freeze my ass on an icy sidewalk! :)

Alexa said...

I'm away and not commenting very faithfully, I'm afraid -- but your last few posts have been really, really good (well, as usual, but . . .)

Bob Crowe said...

We're not pet people and I can't claim the ability to read dogs' faces, but they don't seem real happy to me. Leave them out there long enough and it becomes abuse.

Gemma Wiseman said...

These guys look well-groomed and fed, so perhaps they can muster a bit of quiet patience for awhile. They are so adorable.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.