Wednesday, January 21, 2015

ABC WEDNESDAY--"B" is for "Beautiful"

These beautiful orchids on my daughter's kitchen windowsill bring a taste of spring to a dreary winter day.

See other Bs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Gaelyn said...

Those are stunning.

Gunn said...

What a nice find!

Andy said...

With all of the negative things happening in the world, it's nice to have some beauty brighten up one's day.

Lowell said...

A fine photograph, Pat. Hope you're having a good time!

Jack said...

Superb, Pat.

William Kendall said...

Very pretty!

fredamans said...

Very beautiful, love the vibrant color!

Roger Owen Green said...

can't have too much BEAUTY...


Alexa said...


Reader Wil said...

Amazing dear Yankee! The orchid is exquisite.
Wil, Abcw Team


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.