Thursday, January 1, 2015


"Where did the year go?" some ask, and indeed, they fly by fast....

This photo is an 'old' one of mine, and except possibly for the more modern buildings on the horizon, could be one from long ago.

Happy New Year to you all.


William Kendall said...

It certainly does have a feel of long ago. Happy New Year!

Gaelyn said...

Happy New Year!!!

Rajesh said...

Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Thérèse said...

Merveilleuse annee 2015 avec Sante, petites et grandes joies!

Gerald (SK14) said...

lovely shot - happy new year

Luis Gomez said...

So beautiful! Have a great 2015!

Lowell said...

It's a nice and very interesting shot. Wishing you a wonderful 2015, Pat, with lots of travel and fun!

MeMumbaikar said...

Lovely black and white photo.
Happy New Year!

Alexa said...

Gorgeous image! Wishing you all the very best in 2015, ma chere ---

Richard Lawry said...

Happy New Year from Arkansas An Arkie's Musings

Jack said...

It looks cold there. All the best to you during your 2015 travels and adventures!

Virginia said...

Oh Pat, this is simply amazing. You picked a winner for sure.

Hoping you have a happy and healthy 2015 my friend!

Nadezda said...

Sretna Nova Godina, sve naj bolje :)

Olivier said...

beau traitement
avec un leger retard, mes meilleurs voeux pour cette nouvelle année


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.