Monday, January 12, 2015

Nippy morning.

I've never been as sick as I have this past fall/winter. One cold after another, cough, sore throat, earache; you name it:  I've had it.  Now I have a touch of laryngitis.

Have to walk the dog though, so I bundle up and go, distance depending on my degree of illness.


Luis Gomez said...

This is a beautiful shot Pat. I know what you mean.

William Kendall said...

A very pretty shot. I have occasional bouts of laryngytis... it definitely is not fun to deal with.

Lowell said...

Looks cold and miserable! Like you have been feeling. I used to get a cold at Xmas every year that I was teaching. Now, rarely, if ever, get a cold. Of course I don't come out of room except to eat! :)

Gaelyn said...

You need to build up your immune system. Take care out there in that cold please.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful and dreamy picture.

Kate said...

I seem to recall that earlier you mentioned that you "lost" the month of November because of illness. I just came back to good health after several weeks of a mean, tough flu. It is a miserable time and being sick is really pretty awful. I learned that I do not think I could handle a chronic illness very well. I hope that all you nagging "bugs" leave you so that you can enjoy the next couple months as well all wait for spring.

Bob Crowe said...

An illustration of what we will do for our pets, even though it costs us dearly.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Our winters so far sound identical (cold after cold after cold). Nice photo... I like the backlighting.

Olivier said...

belle photo de cette promenage, tres tranquille

Thérèse said...

Bon courage pour cette laryngite! Une promenade a la fois, une image a la fois.

Gunn said...

Wow, this is wonderful!

We have still a storm going on here in Stavanger, so this is "medicine"

Alexa said...

It's a gorgeous photo—but maybe you need to "take the cure" in a balmier clime for a bit to get back to normal and shore up your poor immune system.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.