Wednesday, February 11, 2015

ABC WEDNESDAY: "E" is for 'envious'

I must admit I'n a bit envious of this cool kids' hair salon in a toy store here in Seattle.

What fun!  Also have to admit I'd have a terrible time trying to squeeze myself into one of those cars.

See other Es on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


William Kendall said...

That's a marvelous idea for a hair salon!

Denton said...

my preference is a hair salon where they offer a straight razor shave.

Gaelyn said...

Very cute.

Roger Owen Green said...

that a colorful space!


Thérèse said...

De quoi reveiller l'imagination et calmer les envies de s'agiter des enfants!

Trubes said...

What a fab theme for a children's hair salon. I like the tigers peeping through the green reeds.
Such vibrant colours too!

Best wishes,

ABCW team.

Alexa said...

They've mixed their themes here a bit, but what fun!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.