Wednesday, May 6, 2015

ABC WEDNESDAY--"Q" is for "Quebec"

I am enjoying hearing Canadian French spoken here in Montreal where I am for a few days. It's quite different from the French French my ear is attuned to, and there's also a strong movement to keep English at bay.  Most places in the world stop signs say STOP, but here it's arrêt  and even written again four more times here, for a four-way stop, er... arrêt

See more Qs on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Reader Wil said...

It was my turn to write to you. I hope you'll have a great week. Thanks for your contribution.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Ann said...

Quebec looks and sounds lovely.

Thérèse said...

C'est bien amusant! L'accent aussi, il me met toujours de bonne humeur et apporte le sourire aux lèvres.

William Kendall said...

Whenever I walk over to the Quebec side of the Ottawa River here, differences in street signs and lights take a bit of getting used to.

LOLfromPasa said...

That is just perfect!!!

Alexa said...

I'm all for it. Stick to your guns—and your beautiful language, Québécois!

Gaelyn said...

Yes, I have seen "stop" in countries I've visited.

Roger Owen Green said...

I haven't been to Montreal since 1992! Need to return.

betty-NZ said...

I can appreciate your curiosity. You'd think one language would be the same across the globe, but even English is hard to understand in another country sometimes!
Interesting sign.


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