Wednesday, August 19, 2015

ABC WEDNESDAY--"F" is for "free time"

Stretching it a bit for an F this week. I wanted to call this photo "The Merry Widows" or something like that, since these ladies are all wearing black, the symbol of mourning here.

I'm back in Belgrade, but not in my apartment yet...ongoing renovations....slow workers....  I'm camping out at various friends' places a few days at a time.

See other Fs on Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC WEDNESDAY.


Leslie: said...

Never a failure to stretch the idea. Cool shot and everyone looks fantastically fluid and relaxed. (There! See even I stretch at times! LOL)

abcw team

William Kendall said...

They do seem cheerful!

Hildred said...

Nice way to spend 'free' time, with friends.

Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE free time! What is that, again?


Spare Parts and Pics said...

They do look merry! Wonder what the topic of conversation is?

K V V S MURTHY said...

Cool picture.

Deepa said...

Everyone needs some free time, it heals the mind

Trubes said...

I thought the ladies were taking a break
from playing in an orchestra or singing
in a choir...Fabulous imagination !

Best wishes,
ABCW team.

Tamera said...

Free time... I wish I had some! These ladies look like they are enjoying it!

Home improvements are such a bummer. Hope your project is finished soon so you can settle back in!

Cheers from Colorado! Tamera

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

In New Zealand, if u smoke, you sneak outside and smoke.

Gaelyn said...

Like this candid shot, and the alternative title.

Unknown said...

Firstly my apologies for a late comment, i have been far to busy repairing my blog after a moval from one host to another... and taking care of other things that needed to be taken care of since my husband and i have health issues at the same time.

although things change in time, black is overhere also the color for mourning.. How sad you have not a place of your own and are depending on friends, i hope that soon will be over and you can get back to a normal life and place you can call your own.

have a nice weekend

Melody (abc-w-team)


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.