Thursday, October 22, 2015

Slipping away....

There are so many beautifully decorated old facades in Belgrade, many of which are slowly slipping into ruin, as the one above.....


William Kendall said...

It is sad to see.

Gaelyn said...

Better keep documenting them. Got GPS?

Tamera said...

Melancholy on more than one level for certain!

Lowell said...

What a shame! Hate that tagging, too!

Thérèse said...

Sad to sqy it's probably everywhere... here too. In Belgrade perhaps more true though.

Mer Sévère said...

It is beautiful and yes,sic transit gloria mundi

Alexa said...

Quel dommage! The ugly "tagging" doesn't help either.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.